Shop Talk and new projects


We are going to evaluate the project Sustain Democracy

Frej Tænketank has asked Christa Brønd to evaluate their new project Sustain Democracy. In collaboration with the Contructive Institute, Frej wants to empower the young people in Denmark to use their qualified voices in democracy and jointly create the solutions for the development of a sustainable globe. The project will take off in January 2020 and as the evaluator we will monitor and evaluate the project until the end of the project in 2021. Its a great project and a great client - so we are both happy and proud!

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We are going to Næstved with Thing Brandt Landscape

Thing Brandt Landscape and Christa Brønd have won the competition for greening and urban space lifting four cities in Næstved municipality. The four cities is; Fuglebjerg, Glumsø, Fensmark and Tappernøje. They are designated as development centers and local dynamos. We are now in the process of making strategy and sketch proposals that both physically and socially strengthen communities and the good everyday life in the cities. It is a cool project with a client, who really wants to make
citizen involvement with meaning and impact - and so do we.